Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cleaning Vomit From Kids Bedroom Carpets

You can choose the most suitable carpet by searching some good kids bedroom carpets ideas, easily. After the installation of carpet and proper fitting your kid and you are very happy. But the real issue is now started. The caring and cleaning of the carpets that are used mostly by kids, is really painful. Kids usually don’t care about the cleanliness and care of carpets. They may walk on the carpet with their shoes etc. A big problem is vomiting. If you kid vomits and you don’t clean your carpet instantly, the spot may become permanent and harder to remove. So, you should advice your kids that in case of vomiting, they must tell you instantly so that you may take care of your kid and also the carpet.

Here are few tips for removing the vomit effectively from the carpet of your kid’s bedroom.

The important thing is to remove the vomit from the carpet as much as possible without spreading it on the carpet. You can use some hard paper to remove it. After removing the vomit you will see the stains on the carpet. Now put some dry cleaning liquid on these spots. Take a white and dry piece of cloth and blot the stain. Now take the mild detergent in liquid form and apply small quantity on the stains and again blot them using the cloth.

Now, it’s time to pour water over the stains. Make the stains flooded with water and blot them with cloth, again. Take a small quantity of ammonia and apply it over the stains and use the cloth to blot them again. Again apply some more detergent over the stain and blot again. Now this treatment has removed the base of stains. Apply lots of water on the stains and blot them for the last time using white dry cloth.

Now, your carpet is clean again.

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